Refined butane is a natural gas that is derived when gasoline is refined. It is often used to power cigarette lighters, but it is also used in refrigeration and heating systems. This organic compound is made up of hydrogen atoms as well as carbon atoms. Butane is not only used for these purposes. It can also be turned into other natural gases like propane. It is one of the few natural gases that do not release carbon monoxide when burnt. Refined butane emits carbon dioxide. Butane is often bottled and used for cooking or camping. Butane is a natural gas that truly has a million and one uses.

The Various Brands of Butane

There are many different brands of butane to choose from. Each brand of butane, such as Whip-It!, claims that they are the best. Not all brands of butane are created equal. Some brands are better than others. Some brands are also more affordable than others. The inhalation of butane can be deadly. Exposure to butane can cause euphoria, cardiac arrhythmia, and narcosis. If you have experienced a large exposure to refined butane you should not delay in seeking medical treatment. The inhalation of butane can not only cause serious bodily harm. It can also cause death.

Uses of Butane

Butane that is refined is often used for cooking because it does not put off an offensive odor like most natural gases. Butane can be seen in a liquid form if you look closely at a cigarette lighter. Butane is an extremely flammable gas that should be handled with caution. When butane is released into the air, it goes back to its gas form. Refined butane is considered to be a paraffin gas. Butane is extremely affordable and very easy to find. It is sold both online and in local stores.


Things to Consider When Choosing the Best Type of Butane Bottle

There are different sizes and types of materials of Butane bottles. It is necessary to choose what works best for you in the situation you are considering. Some considerations are based on safety and others on convenience.

Types of materials

Though there are other combinations, the basic choices are steel, aluminum, and fiberglass. Some metals are covered in plastic or fiberglass in order to further protect it, and some fiberglass bottles are lined with aluminum to give it stability. But, basically, those are the three materials. Each has its own pluses and minuses.


This is the one that offers the most protection. It is heaviest, but less susceptible to explosion or fire. Its downside is that it tends to rust. It does last for years, however.


This metal is thin and lightweight. It does not rust. It doesn’t offer as much protection as steel, but is just as long-lasting. Its downside is that it is more susceptible to explosion or fire.


This material is the most susceptible of all the materials to fire or explosion. It is almost as long lasting as the others, however.  The down side to this one is the lack of strength.

Combining these materials gives a bottle that has the benefits of both materials. They may not be as durable, and most are more expensive, but their advantages far outweigh the cost in most cases. Shopping by quantity of butane is also as handy as knowing the type of material used to make the bottle.

Sizes of Bottles

Different sizes of bottles have varying uses. Some of the most common sizes and uses include:

5kg or 13kg patio gas – perfect for outdoor cooking and patio heaters

4.5kg to 15kg Butane gas cylinders – perfect for caravans and portable heaters

3.9kg up to 47kg Propane gas cylinders – perfect for home energy, outdoor cooking, caravanning and camping, boats, and use for tools.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    January 2014

